Helping you align with your divine blueprint

As a Divine Blueprint Activator, my soul’s mission is to help you remember who you are at a soul level.

I help you get through the blocks in your life and I teach you how to access your higher guidance so you can gain any wisdom you’re seeking.

My goal is to empower you with the deep knowing that you are the creator of your own reality and that you can manifest anything you desire.

How I came into my spiritual abilities

As a child, I struggled with my emotions. I never seemed to understand them. I was an obese child who felt insecure and uncomfortable in my body for most of my childhood. Then as a teenager, I turned to drugs and continued down the path of deep addiction.

After failing endless rehabilitation programs, being in the hospital with a life-threatening back infection, and seeing the true darkness of an Opiate Addiction; I came to a crossroads.

Was I going to die on this path or change my life for the better?

I began making slow changes in the beginning. I learned meditation, started changing beliefs I had about myself, and then became encapsulated in my self healing journey. My entire life I had searched outside of myself for things to make me feel better. And I realized the answers were within me all along once I began my self-healing journey.

As I tapered myself from Methadone, I replaced habits that were no longer serving me with healthy ways to manage my emotions and triggers. When I finally found the courage and bravery to quit opiates, I was catapulted into a spiritual awakening only after four days of full sobriety. This was the first time I had been completely sober since I was 15 years old. 

Later, I realized that this was an incredible gift from my guides and angels to help me remember who I truly was and to encourage me to keep going on this new path.

I then had my first QHHT session which truly changed my life. For the first time, I knew exactly why I chose to come into this life and experience these kinds of addictions.

These experiences were to prepare me for my true purpose in this life, embodying my soul’s essence as a spiritual healer and teacher.

I am now over two years sober, have manifested an incredible life as a spiritual healer and teacher, have an unbreakable connection to my guides and angels, and truly live in gratitude for the past I have experienced.

My approach to Quantum Healing

I am a certified Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner and have now conducted over 100 BQH Sessions; each unique, beautiful, and powerful for my clients.

Since then, I have channeled and developed my own techniques using my natural abilities. I have created a different form of BQH, Master Coding, where I read and upgrade your divine gifts and your unique blueprint as well as an extremely powerful technique called Divine Blueprint Activation.

In my own self-exploration, I also learned that my divine gift in this lifetime is to awaken the dormant spiritual abilities within my clients using Light Language.

I combine all of those different modalities to help my clients heal their blocks and align to their highest timeline.

My greatest passion in this life is to bring my clients back to their truest souls essence, help them remember their divinity, and release blocks from their lives so they can embody the highest version of themselves. I truly believe there is always more love to give, and always more love to receive. 

You can learn more about all my services by clicking the link below.