Explore the Quantum Field

It’s time for a Beyond Quantum Healing Session if…

  • you’re a seeker, an explorer who wants to step into your power and break through barriers of your spiritual awakening

  • you desire to break away from 3D conditioning and patterns and build new healthy habits

  • you’re ready to heal from deep trauma, limiting beliefs and emotional attachments

  • you’re in any kind of pain (psychological, emotional, spiritual or physical) and you need deep healing

  • you want to (re)discover your multidimensional self and learn the power of the Quantum Field

  • you want to understand who you are and why you are the way you are

  • you want to strengthen the relationship with your higher self and your guides

How can Beyond Quantum Healing transform my life?

Healing at a profound level
You will experience deep psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical healing.

Gaining higher perspective
You will be able to get answers to your deepest questions, understand what your purpose is in this lifetime or why you had to go through some of your challenges in this life making it easier to move forward.

Connecting you to your higher guidance
You will understand how to connect to your higher self and your guides.

What is Beyond Quantum Healing?

Beyond Quantum Healing is a deep relaxation technique used to release trauma and emotion from the body. This can happen via a past life regression or through frequency healing. This deep healing and release will then allow us to connect to your highest guidance for any questions you may have in your life.

How does it work?

The first hour will be used to get to know more about each other and to discuss the questions you have for your higher guidance.

Then using the Beyond Quantum Healing technique, we will set an intention for the session and then begin with a heart-based meditation to induce a light state of trance. Using the power of Mind, and tuning into your own body, we do a full body scan to find where healing needs to take place.

By connecting to frequencies in the Quantum Field, you will be able to begin healing both emotionally and physically. You may also experience a past, present, or future lifetime that is relevant to your present life.

You will also receive answers and messages from your higher guidance.

You are in complete control during the session. Although I am there to guide you through the session, I have found that your highest guidance already has a plan for the session.

After the Frequency Healing portion, we will connect with your highest guidance through the Subconscious mind. This guidance may be in the form of Angels, Spirit Guides, or from your Higher Self. This is where we will work together to get any questions answered that you feel are important to your life at this time. I will also ask how you can access this guidance on your own.

After the session is complete, we will take time to discuss what happened during the session. We will discuss any breakthroughs you may have had, anything you found surprising, and anything else you may have taken away from the session. We will also devise a plan on how to integrate these messages into your life for your greatest and highest good.

My approach to BQH

As an experienced BQH practitioner, I know that this first Beyond Quantum Healing Session can feel intimidating for most people and often brings up a lot of questions and doubts.

What if I can’t be hypnotized? What if I can’t receive any messages? What if I can’t see anything?

Those are the questions I hear the most from people desiring to have a Quantum Healing Session who are scared that they will not be able to get what they need out of it.

I’m here to make you feel at ease and excited at the prospect of your session. This is why I have created several different ways for you to experience this modality, each one tailored to your own preferences and sensitivities.

Tandem BQH Session

In a Tandem session, Carrie Grossman will facilitate both you and I going into trance together. Being by your side, I will support you in your journey. This is the right session for you if you have any fear or anxiety you might not be able to deeply connect to your higher self and still want to participate in and be fully present to the experience. It will also empower you to trust in your own inner knowing.

  • 2.5-3.5 hours

  • Session will take place online over Zoom. Zoom link will be sent at least 24 hours before the session via email.

  • For this type of session, I partner with a fellow BQH practitioner Carrie Grossman whom I trust fully to accompany you on this journey.

  • Bring 10-15 questions to the session that you find most important to your life at this time. Questions can be related to anything: life purpose, relationships, career, health, etc

  • $555

One-on-one BQH Session

I will gently guide you into a relaxed and focused state of awareness where you can access your own inner wisdom and find the answers and healing that you need. The one-on-one is great for people who are easily able to relax and quiet their thoughts. Each session is unique because each individual is unique and what happens during the session will depend on what your inner wisdom wants you to know.

  • 2.5-3.5 hours

  • Session will take place online over Zoom. Zoom link will be sent at least 24 hours before the session via email.

  • This is a one-on-one session. I lead the session and facilitate you accessing an altered state of consciousness.

  • Bring 10-15 questions to the session that you find most important to your life at this time. Questions can be related to anything: life purpose, relationships, career, health, etc

  • $333
    Returning client: $222

Surrogate BQH Session

A Surrogate Session is beautiful for anyone that feels they are not able to connect under trance. Together, Carrie Grossman and I will channel your higher self, do a scan of your body to release any energetic blocks you may have, update your Divine Blueprint, and then ask your higher guidance the questions you have for your life. We record the session and then send it to you.

  • 2.5-3.5 hours

  • Session will take place online over Zoom. Zoom link will be sent at least 24 hours before the session via email.

  • For this type of session, I partner with a fellow BQH practitioner Carrie Grossman whom I trust fully to accompany you on this journey.

  • Bring 10-15 questions to the session that you find most important to your life at this time. Questions can be related to anything: life purpose, relationships, career, health, etc

  • $399