Awaken to your highest path

Together, let’s embark on a journey to remember your truest soul essence

Welcome beautiful being of light!

I’m really glad you’re here!
Are you looking to connect to your higher guidance? For ways to activate your dormant abilities? Want to know more about your soul’s history? Or maybe you’re looking for deeper and long-lasting healing?
Whatever the reason that led you here today, just trust that you’re in the right place.

I’m a divine blueprint activator, beyond quantum healing practitioner and spiritual empowerment coach. Here to help you align with your highest timeline and reconnect to your divine essence.

Hi, I’m Ceirra

Ready to align with your highest timeline?

  • Divine Blueprint Activation

    Using light language, I align you with your original soul blueprint by clearing and unblocking your chakra system.

    This allows us to awaken your dormant spiritual abilities, receive messages from your guides and angels and increase your energy flow.

  • Beyond Quantum Healing

    In this powerful 3 to 4 hour hypnosis session, you take a deep healing journey to remember the truest essence of your soul.
    Experience past or parallel lives, release trauma stored in the body connect to your guides, angels, or loved ones, and gain higher perspective in all areas of your life.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching

    Create a positive and pivotal shift in your life by working 1 on 1 with me.

    Deepen your spiritual connection, break unhealthy patterns in your life, and feel empowered by learning new powerful self-healing techniques.

“One who looks outside dreams,
one who looks inside awakens.”

— Carl Jung —

  • Divine Blueprint Activation helped me so much. Not only do I know what gifts I came into this world with, but I received beautiful messages from my guides and my biological mother who passed away. My favorite thing about it also is hearing the past lives I've had. It brought so many things to my awareness. And I really appreciate the time and effort into the activations. It was the best gift I could gift myself and I plan to get an upgrade within 3 months.


  • I have had a few hypnosis sessions before, but my session with Ceirra was unlike any. It was extremely vivid, and I attribute that to her amazing skills as a practitioner. I got answers to all my questions and even some additional healing with her tuning forks. If you’re looking for a BQH Session I’d recommend Ceirra 100%!!

    S. Cole

  • My experience with Ceirra has been absolutely transformational! I have had a prior hypnosis session but wasn’t so sure that it was effective and I was skeptical about my ability to be hypnotized. Ceirra completely changed what I thought was possible! After only one session with Ceirra, I immediately felt a sense of awe from the depth of my experience. Since then, I have had numerous synchronicities and personal revelations. I feel more connected to my higher self, my psychic gifts and an overall sense of peace.

    R. Renee

  • I had a beautiful session with Ceirra and would for sure recommend her services. She is very good at leading the session and I had all my questions answered leaving me feeling very satisfied with the overall experience. I immediately felt at ease with her as she’s very easy to connect with. Super grateful for this experience and all the insights and information I received


  • I highly recommend Ceirra! This was my first time doing this type of therapy and I was beyond pleased with my overall experience and healing. The session was so transformative and vivid. Ceirra was very kind and led the session with great confidence and intuition, opening myself up to be able to find the key I had been searching for. Do not hesitate to book your session with Ceirra she is amazing!

    Lisa S

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Join our Membership Community today for exclusive BQH Channelings, Group Hypnosis, Live Coaching, Q&A Channelings, and other Live Events!

Connect with a group of like-minded souls interested in healing as a community and providing a safe space of non-judgment.

Initiate your healing and awakening journey with 1 on 1 Coaching where you will be empowered to create long-lasting change in your life by connecting to your intuition and higher guidance.

Enjoy 33% off of any individual session with Ceirra or Carrie.

Deepen the connection to your pet

I am now offering Soul Readings and Activations for pets!
In recent Divine Blueprint Activations, a pet's higher self came into the session and wanted to be activated as well. I have been told that our pets are also awakening at this time!

This is your chance to discover your soul connections with your pet and learn why they decided to come into this life to love you unconditionally. Many of our pets are actually multidimensional beings bringing a higher vibration here to ground the frequency of love.

This activation will allow you to receive messages from your pets, discover your soul connection to them, and repair your pets Divine Blueprint if they currently have any physical illnesses. Our pets are here to love and support us and it’s time for us to receive all of it!

During this reading, you will have the opportunity to:

  • receive messages from your pet's higher self

  • learn more about your soul connection to them

  • clear and cleanse your pet's energy (remove entities and energetic blocks)

  • clear past life trauma for your pet

  • activate your pet's Divine Blueprint or upgrade their blueprint if your pet is suffering from any physical illness

Explore my latest YouTube videos

For more channeled galactic content, session recordings and multidimensional experiences, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel.


  • Quantum Healing is a deep relaxation technique used to release trauma and emotion from the body. This may be through a past life regression or through frequency healing. This healing will then allow us to connect to your highest guidance for any questions you may have in your life.

  • Bring 10 to 15 questions to the session that you feel are most important to your life at this time. See the sample questions below. It may also be a good idea to practice visualization and meditation before the session, to practice stilling the mind before your session.

  • Bring 10 - 15 questions that you feel are most important to you at this time. There are no bad or wrong questions. Sample questions include but are not limited to:

    • What is my soul’s purpose?

    • Am I on my highest path?

    • How can I connect with my higher guidance more easily?

    • What messages do my guides have for me? Would I be able to meet my guides?

    • What soul seed origin am I from?

    • What are my greatest psychic abilities? How can I use them in the highest alignment with my soul’s purpose?

    • Is my current career in alignment with my highest purpose?

    • How can I live from abundance?

    • Are any of my Chakras imbalanced?

    • What is blocking me from finding love?

    • Am I storing any emotions or traumas within my body?

    • Is there anything else I still need to heal or what is most important for me to heal at this time?

    • Am I here to heal ancestral trauma or do my ancestors have any messages for me?

    • What do I need to know about my relationship with my mother/father? Have I lived past lives with any of my family members?

    • Is there any Karma from Past Lives or this life that needs to be cleansed?

    • Am I eating the right kind of foods for my body type?

    Those are only a few examples of the questions you can bring to a session. The questions will, at the very least, help me understand you more and give us topics for discussion. Questions can be related to family/ friend relationships, your career, finances, past lives, spiritual gifts, life purpose, galactic/star seed questions, soul families, your diet, etc.

  • I do not consider myself a hypnotist because your conscious mind is present during the session. I put you into a meditative trance, but you are still in control of the session. I find that in every session, your guides and higher self already have a plan for you; I am there to create a safe space to allow this healing and guidance to take place. If all fails and you cannot relax, then we can speak about rescheduling the session and I can give you meditations to practice. I am an open channel for my own, and others highest guidance, and have access to the Akashic Records so you will leave the session with at least some of your questions answered. I have never had a client leave without receiving higher guidance.